Tuesday, January 12, 2010


-- What is the scariest warning in all of test-taking?

"There may be more than one right answer."

2 -- And the second most scary?

"Choose the one BEST answer."

3 -- what is the: Czech Engine, Lite--? And what should you do about it?

4 -- multiple choice, see above, do not panic there is nothing wrong with the airplane.......

A. What is your name?
B. What is your quest?
C. what is your favorite colour? (Be careful- presumption goeth before a fall)

5 -- authors are sometimes quite frightened by a blank/WHITE sheet of paper with nothing on it. Come to think of it there are many Great WHITES that can be quite unnerving -- one thinks of albino rabbits, rats, snakes, scorpions, and eyeless cave fish. And Johnny Winter. Please choose from the following options and select your favorite object d' feer:

nota beanie: please respect long-standing traditions in your selection. It may help to imagine that you are Queen Victoria. If this is unacceptable Prince Edward in or out of the can may be an acceptable male substitute. Scary white things may include:

Whales with or without crooked jaw
Sheets see above. You may choose from one hole, two holes, or a Swiss print.
Elephants. Compare with Pink. May also choose subcategory X. which would be white elephant gift exchanges/anarchy.
People ( Things White People Like may be included)
Raiment compare with: Promise Keeper T-shirts
Wedding Dresses
White people in White Wedding Dresses
Weddings -- cakes, pastel mints, or just plain weddings
Thrown Judgments
please feel free to add your own White Fright or White Flight . Reggie White not included.

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