Saturday, January 9, 2010

The pornography of hatred

The root word of pornography Appears to have something to do with prostitution as opposed to sex per se. Of course there are all kinds of prostitution but the derivative meanings seem to be based on the original meaning, more or less. Of course roots do not necessarily determine the present state of the evolution of language. For example,there probably is a connection between the original word "gay,"and its current usage but on the face of it the connection seems to be obscure to most of us. We had Gay neighbors growing up. Their farm is little more than a few shards of wreckage however it was a nice little place, on the hill just to the east of our farm. I often wonder what became of them. It is sad that I don't remember their first names. I am inclined to think that my friend's name was Gary Gay but I might be thinking about the homosexual Gary that I met when I was a freshman at Northern Illinois University. Gary was a good friend and helped me in a wonderful way, actually in two wonderful ways. He allowed me to learn about a whole new world i.e. the gay subculture. And he also helped me to discover I was not homosexually inclined.

Gary- NIU Gary- had a unique word for people who were clueless. A word I have never heard again in any context, so I wonder if it is a part of the gay idiom: 'PEARHEAD.'
Now that I think about this, it is fairly obvious that this probably means something similar to "pinhead." I seem to recall a comic strip based on such characters.

The reason this comes to mind, and this is off the cuff, is that I am puzzled over the current meaning of some popular words. I recently went to the book store-more about my purchase later-and there I noticed a very prominent book apparently a best seller, called "How to Talk to Idiots". It reminded me of an earlier book entitled, "R...L... Is a Big Fat Idiot" I also received a magazine, one which I normally like to read unlike the other titles just mentioned, entitled, "(M.A.) Is an Idiot" While I was in the airport I read a few pages of MA's book. I don't quite see the point.

Is this all tongue in cheek, ironic and not irenic? Dies Irae!!!!!!!! "I think not!"-- by the little man who wasn't there-- some people have excused Garrison Keillor's complaint about Unitarians as being tongue in cheek. GK usually writes humorously--but this last column was not humorous, it was decidedly quite serious and represents a side of GK that I think we males all have but try to keep well cloaked. My parents think he may have had a stroke. If so he need to take an aspirin if his CAT scan looks ok. But in another sense--see below--organicity may have a lot to do with it, although there are many many other contributing factors to consider..are we responsible for our words? Science is out to lunch on this, but makes a great excuse to add to all the ancient ones. One thing is certain-- the lawyers have a tax on personal responsibility and it's very profitable for them not to admit Randomness as a possiblity, at least not in public. In private it's Total Oliver Wendell Holmes; in public it's Abraham...and Lincoln.

I also understand that there has been a bill passed recently against "hate speech." It apparently has not been implemented yet. Obviously.

I realize that pejorative speech, like prostitution, he has always been with us. Because of this, the descriptive term "dysfunctional," is difficult to apply with any precision. What I am coming to realize is that it is addictive perhaps the same way that sexual pornography is addictive but may also be such a basic reaction that it cannot be eliminated only suppressed. I recently observed that Linus claimed he was allergic to criticism. This may not be just a figure of speech. To compound the difficulty, it is quite common to be allergic to oneself. Examples would be rheumatoid arthritis; systemic lupus erythematosus which is very interesting in that it is an allergic reaction to a person's own DNA. I have struggled with what is called in Christianese a "critical spirit." Whether this is my own personality disorder; or whether it is gender based, culturally conditioned, or an acquired immune syndrome caused by a retrovirus, or just my own personal acquired or inborn taste in thought, imagination, and social intercourse-is of course impossible to say and I would be the last one to be able to pin that down, referring back to Kierkegaard and Walker Percy and "Lost in the Cosmos-The Last Self-Help Book".

We are all aware of the connection between sex and violence of course. A wonderful parody of this can be enjoyed in the British comedy sketch, "Sex and Violence down the Mines " -it is quite easy to infer the connection in numerous rock and roll acts. The Sex Pistols, Guns n' Roses, and The Violent Femmes come to mind.. so there seems to be some type of organic connection here extremely well lubricated by certain cultural conditions and cycles. There can be little argument that this is a fundamental connection and can even be found in the studies of brain function and structure especially with modern technologies such as PET scanning and even more amazing tools. The most recent book that I have read on this is called "His Brain, Her Brain " by Walt and Barb Larimore. While it does not necessarily address specifically the issue that I am talking about here, the research involves embryology, endocrinology, development and developmental psychology cultural and spiritual issues just to name a few.

Just as with drug addiction, it appears that endorphins are part of the chain of cause-and-effect. I would be interested to know what happens with endorphins in the male brain in particular when violent videogames are played. My guess is that the response to morphine, crack cocaine, pornography, and a virtual violence are quite similar. I would be interested to know if anybody has any insight about this since I don't have time to do any further research on the at the moment. And what is the biochemical reponse of the female brain to the same set of stimuli? Any "thoughts" on that? "Evidence-based medicine" is the current buzzword around my ranch. WE WISH!!!!!!!!!!!

The question I asked in the last post is quite relevant here. The response to the question of the appropriateness of these sexual/violent display behaviors are myriad but the common root appears to be evasion of personal responsibility. Anything from, "devil made me do it, " to "I was born this way, " or "God made me this way " or "the woman that you gave me (made me do it yeh right) " is the problem --and there's the classic R. Crumb dictum: "Um Tut Sut; sure why not? "And millions more; probably 100s of unique excuses for every man woman and child on the planet.

"Here the MS breaks off again and resumes again in another" ....Post. Stay Toasty. Write if you get unemployed.........


  1. Bill - I have come to the conclusion that "hate-speak" is rooted in fear and ignorance of anyone or anything different. Rather like the cat who fluffs up and hisses to make a big show when threatened. (OK, you probably have a Calvin and Hobbes reference for that!) My experience has been that most people who trash-talk others don't know the people they are trashing as individuals. I always told my boys, when they were in high school and everything and everybody was "gay" that someday they would become friends with someone and learn afterwards they were gay - and then they would get it.
    This has held true for me - as I am active in music, liturgy and leadership in a parish that now is 75% Hispanic. As I have come to befriend and know them better, I find it more natural to interact normally - and I even am becoming less anxious about making music announcements to the assembly at the bi-lingual liturgies. It has always amazed me to hear the well-meaning ignorant assumptions on the part of some of the older "Anglos" - usually men - that come out in their speech. Often they don't even realize they are being prejudiced. It's rather like when Spiro Agnew kep referring to blacks as "Those People." Sometimes it is so embedded in speech that the speaker cannot see it. Thanks for your recent comments about racismn and prejucial speech.

  2. I watched a movie last night dealing with racism and illegal immigrants called "Crossing Over". It is a new release staring Harrison Ford as an older immigration officer who seems to be having second thoughts about his job of catching and deporting illegals. The movie illustrates the the attitude that many have concerning people of a different religion or ethnicity.

    I agree with jdonliturgy that hateful actions to others is based on ignorance and fear. We humans tend to be tribal creatures and depend on our tribes for mutual defense. So when someone that does not fit into idea of being like us enter into our village we get defensive and make them unwelcome through words or actions.
    Even animals go through a hazing before being allowed into a new group if they are not outright killed.
    I personally enjoy discourse with people of other cultures and religions. It is amazing how their distrust of you fades when you make an attempt at knowing them and their culture. I find it helpful to have knowledge of the cities and states in Mexico. We have a large Mexican population in LaSalle. I try to always ask where in Mexico they are from. When they tell me their state, say Guanajuato, I can ask them if they know San Miguel de Allende or Leon. They are impressed that a gringo would know anything about their country and from there we can begin a discourse of understanding.

    I am constantly amazed at the cultural diversity that is present in the Illinois Valley. I have acquaintances from Palestine, Tunisia, Lebanon, India (Tamil Nadu), Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Poland, Germany, to say nothing of Mexico and Central America.

    All it takes is an innate curiosity and a desire to gain more knowledge about people to get over our prejudices.

  3. First my thanks to Joyce and Dennis for being so patient with my mad scribblings. I had been called out this morning very early for an emergency and eventually had to transfer a poor young person to Rockford in rather critical shape.I wrote this in the throes of some grave concerns while I was waiting for her to stabilize. After the crisis,the more I thought about what I wrote, the more I thought I had really gone out the third story window with my post. I thought I was toast!!! I didn' know I had a "rapid response team" out there to break my fall! God is so Good-in fact some people think Good is God's first name. "Good Grief!" (by Granger Westberg who personally blessed in 1979 with his sage stage presents)

    Second, I'd love to hear more about your parish, Joyce--publish or parish the thought! Se habla Espanol? The appropriate Hobbesian quote occurs in "The Lost Chaucer Saucer" as the Sarcastic Tiger's Tale of Calvin's origins is revealed. In reponse to the inevitable protests, First Tiger H utters those indelible words, "I've said too much already." Something about a circus and bug eyed aliens and "See? Insult a tiger and you get bad luck every time!"

    Third, I finally got around this evening to reading John 7 first half, esp. about Jesus' brothers--Did He not comment to them somewhere in Scripture that, "Any time is right for you." Does that sound sarcastic? But consider the source! Truth often has a caustic edge to it and Elijah had very withering remarks to Ahab Hence: It also brought to mind Mark Twain's Preface to "The War Prayer" which goes something like, "It can be published after I am dead."
    which is why I was hesitant to leave today's outburst extant. But as you can see some things do make me quite "mad."

    "What's 'mad'? "Mad's a magazine." "How much?" "More than you can afford" "Why, that's Mad!" Well it's your dime..

    Bonus questions: What do you call a man who reacts to a man who calls a man an idiot?

    What's a "dry dime"?

    "Timing and discipline, Pasquale, timing and discipline."

    "Flo's Laws"





  4. Well, Bill, thanks for asking about the parish. It is very much a work in progress. St. John the Baptist (San Juan Bautisto) in Joliet used to be St. John's German Catholic Church many years ago. About 15 years ago, Spanish-speaking people, migrating to Joliet, probably as an outflow from Chicago, were welcomed into our parish, which, when I got there, was a very dynamic place - with about 25% Hispanics. In the 7 1/2 years I have been there, it has gone up to 75%... more of them, plus some "white flight" to other parishes.
    I am a volunteer in the parish - I sing in the choir (play guitar and bodhran too) am a cantor, and am on Liturgy Planning and Pastoral Council. (I did all that for pay in my past 2 parishes, but now I work for the Diocese in the Religious Education Office so my parish involvement is by choice) 2 years ago, I took Spanish for Gringos - a 6-week starter class but my espanol is muy poquito... I can understand it, read or sing it, but it is still hard for me to put it together to speak it back.. still, I try. Our Liturgy Planning team is from both cultures and we have the only truly bi-lingual meeting in the parish. The rest of parish leadership is still in struggle with the transition... we have an aging Anglo leadership and a few young Hispanics who are beginning to step up to responsibility. We have struggled with parish leadership structures for the last several years. That's pretty much the picture. I stay because despite the issues, the music is great, and I believe that we need to work together to figure this cultural thing out.

  5. I will make a stab at your riddles.

    I am guessing a "dry dime" is a reminder for a recovering alcoholic that he has made a pledge not to use that dime to buy a drink.

    Now the answer to the Idiot question has to be an Idiot.

  6. THANK YOU JOYCE! I am very excited about what you're doing. I would love to visit some Sunday when I am not drumming and I would love for you to meet Flo--I do speak medical Spanish reasonably well -- not the same as kitchen Spanish of course which is much more useful in everyday life. Do you give Bodhran demonstrations?if your church has a website, please post the I would love to at least check it out

    To Capt. Amazing: I don't think that was a guess but if it was it was pretty educated. Logic is great! What I was told is that telephone calls once cost only $.10. For a lot of years. In the 12 step program of AA, one is supposed to get a sponsor. You can call anybody want horse but it is encouraged to call someone has had more experience with recovery than you do and who has been sober for a long time and whose personality seems to have changed for the better to the point that he can help others attain a certain level of maturity. The dry dime is to call your sponsor instead of, as you said, avoiding turning it into a wet one. Because you never know when temptation will arise. I am a big proponent of 12 step programs in all their various forms when I worked with 12 step programs in alcohol rehab/detoxification units; this was during the school school and residency; these programs were highly influential in the early
    formation of my own spiritual life.
