Friday, January 15, 2010



  1. In regards to the Rue Goldberg Variations, I did get distracted by several things including an exceedingly beautiful woman so I followed the prescription of my psychiatrist and, "Took a vacation from my problems!" So far this is working quite well and I have been accepted by some of the natives already. Therefore the Big Sea---See?--- of Holy Story Problems is at low ebb and Hamlet is still out looking for rotten werks in an anosmia factory...*

    Of course if you look online and the number of Rube Goldberg variations including an annual contest think is at Purdue University. I think it is one of those contests where everybody is a winner! There is also a rather dense poem which is frighteningly like a lot of the things that I write. So the next time you are on the Internet Highway, take a left at the Rue Goldberg for a fascinating look at Modern Science at its finest.

    *A-nose mia. Like a-gnostasy o mia.........Gogol "The Nose" and you shall read A Great Story Problem--agonizing exs-tasy and all. In those immortal words of Snoopy: 'THe eye can be deceived;but THE NOSE KNOWS!!!!!!!!!!! (A rat! A dirty Rat! And Pig! Behind the Arras!)

    Puns? Intended? Ist Verboten beyond this Pointe und du nicht shew this to your chillun by KNOE MEANS..

  2. by the bye if anyone gnows how to edit thses posts after I have made errors (?!) in gremmer and speling I would apprecitate some derections, eh. John? Dennis? ID think weed all lyke to gnow in caze we want tu, uh, "Take it back" without erasing the whole t'ing, Hoe-Kay?
