Saturday, January 30, 2010

in which piglet and rat:

In which pig and rat visit an art gallery---Pearls before Swine--Stephan Pastis

"Hello there. Can I help you?"

"Yes.... I'm looking for a colorful painting for my bedroom."

"I see........ well, there's this one here. It's called,'The Ferret's Elf."

"Oh,gee, no... those colors are much too fair.. I'm looking for something with darker richer colors... oh well... thanks anyways."

"Wait wait wait... don't leave.... we have many paintings with darker hues.... I assure you... this is the only one like this."


Yes.... the only thing we have too fair is, 'Ferret's Elf."


  1. any comments on this will, I'm afraid, be targeted for unmerciful reprisal

  2. I looked at this yesterday and didn't get it. I thought maybe it was one of those cartoons you had to see to understand the joke.
    I revisited today and finally saw the FDR connection.

    I really don't like to work that hard to have a
