Sunday, February 28, 2010


Scattered Thots from Scatterbain--after the manner of Pensees--with thematic elements and hanging chads

First, the twitter/tweet

What I did yesterday: nursing home rounds, hospital rounds, getting angry enough to recycle about three fourths of my piles of unuseds. This impulse comes at irregular times and the trials that constituted last week caused me to despair; feeling very disorganized and wanting so very much for vacation tostart, as they say, "yesterday!" I just get mad enough to throw things away without looking through them. It works.

For the rest of my day I definitely took a vacation from my problems-- since I was making rounds in the Amboy nursing home I decided to go on to Dixon and try cross country skiing on the old homestead. Instead of a lake,woebegotten, I visited the old Rock River and what we used to call "the drainage ditch."(a far too prosaic name, in fact) It was delightful and refreshing. I went to the peninsula where I proposed to Flo except that there are actually two peninsulas and can't remember which one! Scared a few rabbits. Also skied on the first slope upon which I ever set skis which some of you remember as the little "barn hill." I was of course reminded of all the delightful days we set out on the Rock River during the good old summertime, water skiing with my dad. Thanks, dad!

Now full of stickems I returned to my real home. It was a very humbling experience to not be able to recognize where our lane was. It's like the New Yorker cartoon from last week, with a couple walking the city streets and the man saying, "Someday we will look back at all of this and not be able to remember any of it." Actually long-term memory is the last to go. One of the patients I visited in Amboy can't say anything that makes any sense but still, like my grandmother at age 100, does remember the old songs and sings along. And yodels. Did I mention she yodels?

Speaking of music, last night years of preparation came to fruition, and we had Bach night with Winifred Hoffman; music that I have been preparing for for years I was finally playing and rather than being frustrated at not being a better sight reader etc., it just rocked and rolled right out. The songs included, "My Heart Ever Faithful," "Sheep May Safely Graze" and "Jesu' Joy of Man's Desiring." I do believe that Y'shua was there too, taking my mind off performance issues.Yaddah, yaddah, yaddah!!! My heart wasn't so faithful but He brought it to pass anyway.

More later, perhaps.............


  1. I hope that getting out on your skis helped clear your head. I find that when I spend time in the sunshine it stimulates my pineal gland and helps ward off my seasonal affective

  2. yetz..but it didn't impruve my spilling.. corrections and additions made.
