Friday, February 12, 2010


Oh. It's only you Polonius. Sorry 'bout that.

Rat:"Hey Goat, you writing your blog?"

Goat: "Go away, Rat."

Rat: "You know, I like blogs... I really do... you know why?"

Goat: "Go away Rat."

Rat:" Because they provide their frustrated creator with the delusional outlet of being a published author. Sort of like how the prison warden lets the psychotic inmate scribble 'poetry' on the cell wall so he doesn't beat his bunkmate with a toilet seat."

Last Panel: Rat with broken coffee cup over head: "perhaps you didn't like the analogy."

Comment from Stephan Pastis: "Whenever Rat does a strip about goat's blog, the strip gets posted on tons of people's real-life blogs. Blog writers on the whole seemed to be a good bunch of sports."

Item of interest: I read recently that blogs are considered to be a sport for old people, somewhat like smart phones are avoided by many young people because they cannot text as fast. It also made the comment that young people do not like to read posts because they are generally long -- as I observed in a previous post. More than a paragraph is considered excessive. Neil Postman would probably interpret that as just another product of the age of television which in general cannot provide sustained argument or even commentary. Fortunately for some, NPR can provide some sustained thinking whether people, young or old, are not doing anything else i.e. driving. Un/fortunately there is no way to post a rejoinder on NPR! One would hope that would at least keep some people from texting while while they are driving. I have other horrible habits while driving ;at least this is not one of them -- on the other hand I text so slowly I don't usually even bother, hence no one sends me any. Not a bad deal.

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