Thursday, December 24, 2009

Mizzlils (non toes)

And now for something completely shorter.............

Who said this?

"I wunda if it's sinfil to be a mizzil twarta?'


  1. George Herriman's Krazy Kat

    You see, "Your're not seeing what your're looking at, it's a mirage" the kat ponders, "do my eye dissive me, or di I dissive my eye?" "Now do you see it?" says ignatz
    "How should I know if I dun't see it, wen I din't know if I seen it wen I was looking at it?" and "If I din't see wot I was looking at. How do I know I was hearing wot you was telling me?"
    queries krazy
    "Oh, you just think you do, but you don't, but do," replies the mouse.
    "I wunda if I am me, am I here, or am I there?" Or Am i "only a obstikil dillusion"?
    "Oh, you just think you do, but you don't, just as you don't, but do," replies the mouse
    "I wunda if I am e am I here, or ami I there?" Or Am i "only a obstikil dillusion"?

  2. wera,wera good sir deniz. i hev no pris en mint but nem yor priz,pliz

    flash forwerd to:"Mastah in thiz Hall rezidence, wit Koplimens from Bum Bill Bee, the mastah of self-contradixon.
