Friday, June 4, 2010

Keziah Korner, mit Katzen Krazee

Quote too good not to share:

Keziah, my granddaughter, not quite age 3:

Mom/Grace: "What are you doing Keziah?" K: "I'm building a house."

"Who is going to live in it?"

"Um..Gerard Manley Hopkins and his cow."

Steve/Poppa Schuler:" 'Skies of couple-colour, as a brinded cow..." for those of you not familiar with the line."

The glory of God indeed manifests itself through dappled things--one would want to add calico cats too.


  1. How very Jesuit! St. Ignatius said that we can find God in all things - and Hopkins' poetry was a celebration of that (although at one point his superiors asked him to stop writing it - so obviously they did not get it.) You granddaughter, like all children, in her innocence,is also a sign of the presence of God in everyday life. Treasure these moments of revelation!

  2. "Oh yes"

    Another K Kwote from before she learned to just say, "Know!!!"

    Thanks for the encouragement, Joyce. I think I will!!!
