Sunday, January 2, 2011


Given "Maus" by Art Spiegelman by our reporter friend Allison--I have read numerous excerpts but I don't think the whole thing, which presents no mere philosophical matter but is rather more historical and autobiographical in a rather unsentimental way.

Also resumed reading Eric Metaxas' bio of Dietrich Bonhoffer, and have just read of the 9/ll of 1938 known as Kristallnacht. There will never be any way from our "kultur" to recover from, much less be unaffected by, Hitler and the Holocaust as the prime mark of the 20th Century and maybe in fact the crowning failure of humanism, scientism, secularism, atheism, religion, politics, and more. Who in fact trusts these "isms" any more but fanatics? Yet daily we are loaded up, "over, under, sideways down" with their nihilistic debris. It's kind of like a post traumatic stress syndrome that keeps reproducing itself...

I do keep tabs on the BBC which I find to be probably the most impartial news source I have found. Certainly more so than NPR and The Wall Street Journal, eh, wot?

The international coverage is far better, as one might expect, but a less jaundiced view of America is also worthwhile. The Brits understand us much better than you might think! I get Bangkok news faster than Mark does!! Speaking of whom, it is my understanding that internationally some Jewish commentators, including even from the NY Times at one point, that Christians in the third world are the "new Jews...

I'll let that settle for a moment.

There are also a number of atheist commentators who have taken note of the wholesale slaughter of whole Christian villiages and people groups in India, Pakistan, and Burma where genocide goes on unhindered except for a small resistance element. The church bombings and the blasphemy laws have escalated even just this Christmas. Women in particular appear to be targets.

And yet on university campuses our paragons of education and civilization let this pass, without comment. Our media meanwhile has been hijacked by celebrity news. Checked MSN lately?

Many people, some as highly educated as were the Germans, in the East, feel that they are entitled to not only finish Hitler's campaign against the Jews but Heyderich's pogroms against the New Jews. It really stands to reason since Christians owe literally everything to the Jews. The world is just catching up to history i.e. that we have been grafted into the tree that it would destroy if it only could.

As I have quoted Walker Percy before, tho the Jews are unsubsumable--and unassimilatable--"It begins by killing the Jews..." I'll leave it to your reading of WP and The Thanatos Syndrome to finish what he hinted at.

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