Friday, November 19, 2010


I probably should let you know that my unwriting has been unintentional but our internet connection is down about 90% of the time, hence not out, but unpredictable in regards to usability.

I am writing this in the office, where I should not be just now, already being on vacaciones. So I am going to try a reverse of previous trends, and do more entries on my way to Mobile, Jacksonville, and back. It seems Mark left the larger of his two laptops so we are borrowing it on this trip. My time seems to be becoming increasingly compressed and I do yearn for more freedom. Even as "retirement" recedes further and further into the future. If I were in France;and if France were franc-ly solvent, I'd have a lot of "free" time--but now, tanks to Sarkovsky, maybe not until next year. Hypothetically. So where's the nanny state when ya need her, huh?

"Knock knock." "Who's there?" "Not you anymore." -Dilbert, the humorous approach of Catbert to the delightful evil of downsizing.

I also need a union, apparently. Guess what? This fall I get a report card (or maybe a re-tort card) based on my popularity with my patients. Here's a question: do public school teachers now get graded by their students? According to CSL in "The Abolition of Man", we should be there already. Dennis, is this allowed in silence by the teachers' unions?

Of course there have always been suggestion/complaint boxes which are generally unused because there is no visible response to them. Risible responses perhaps but not visible to the naked eye. But is there truly any advantage from going to populism from paternalism?

I guess it was my rather vain hope that those who practice practical science would not have to evolve into practitioners of "popular science." Apparently the thin veneer of "objective science" has worn out its brief welcome. The public in general still worships the oracles of science, seeing as they see little other option thanks to militant ideological scientism; but uneasy is the head that wears the crown. If one is a pretender to the throne of God, people will expect you and me to be God.

This is a large part of why America and the West have become so unhinged and unstable. A little god pops up, demonstrates he is no god at all, and there are thousands more hungry for his throne and hence for their own destruction in turn.

Just gimme 5 minutes of fame, that's all I want. ((No, no, gimme shelter, "that's what I want" --from "Money", an early cover song by the Beatles, immediately contradicted by "Money Can't Buy Me Love." (Honesty quickly displaced by a half truth which is far more popular and self-congratulatory)

Actually I have bent over backwards to stay out of the public eye. My desire is to do my work quietly in my office, and let people vote with their feet. I find advertising a complete waste and have never spent a dime of my own money on it. Honestly, I do not appeal or cater to the movers and shakers of Mendota; I find a sizable portion of them pretty rude and insatiable and actually less open to reason than the poor, who are far less likely to sue, as was pointed out forcefully in the Book of James.

Nothing new here, then. I will let you know what "grade" I get--at this point nothing is hidden anyway except for God Himself--so my level of risk/overexposure is low; and having so few regular readers is a regular advantage. At my age esp.

May I again suggest Mark Schuler's Facebook photo gallery for an intimate look at the Schulers, for what that's worth. Much of it is quite funny (esp my comments of course!) Or maybe ya just had ta be there.........

Write if ya get work--or keep yer job--and just remind 'em what "men without chests" (CSL) would say: "I'M AS GOOD AS YOU, MATE!!!"

1 comment:

  1. You know when I was in school we would have to fill out questionnaires on each class we took and of course the person who taught them. I honestly have no idea if there was any significance in them, but I did find it interesting. Perhaps Stephen knows something about this???

    So I see you've met the poor! Lovely people, the poor. Course' they don't have two pennies to rub together, but that's because their poor! (wink, wink)
