Friday, April 30, 2010

mean while on the other side of the marianas trench

What do you call it when Filipino teens text?

"Phone Tagalog"


  1. A little tagalog greeting for you.

    Nawa'y pagpalain ka ng Diyos ng marami pang kaarawan

  2. Bang Bang Augh! Ya got me there, Dennis.

    Sorry I've been misspelling your first name--why did I think it was Denis? At least I didn't call you Denise.

    Diyos = Dios?

  3. Actually either spelling would be correct.
    Dennis or Denis is either the first or last name of a male derived from the Greco-Roman name Dionysius meaning "servant of Dionysus", the Thracian god of wine, which is ultimately derived from the Greek Dios (Διός, "of Zeus") combined with Nysos or Nysa (Νυσα), where the young god was raised. stands for Godness and royalty.

    The gladiator Spartacus was also a Thracian.

    In honor of your 60th

    Nawa'y pagpalain ka ng Diyos ng marami pang kaarawan (May God bless you with many more birthdays to come)
