Friday, October 8, 2010

ode to a local lat

"Liger, liger, learning lite

in the lunches of the bite."

(From news item on the proliferation of ligers. El Tigre del Norte sends his salutations)

Items for future consideration:

Departure of Mark Schuler to Bangkok; which currently is host to bombings and street riots.

T.S. Eliot's "The Cocktail Party"

"Nicer people with better morals"


  1. Ah so do we get to make requests or suggestions for your future topics? After just having watched "The Bucket List", I am reminded that joy in life does not come from the things we have or the people we know. Rather I believe that true joy comes when we make sacrifices for others just because we love them.

  2. Bill did not post that last comment or this one. Flo did. She was just too tired to log in as herself!
